Willkommen - Welcome

the human stories - finding language in meeting you, translating the unspoken - entering the dialog of understanding and respect - creating bridges in between diversity

Photography & Reportage

Woman for Afghanistan

Around the world we are experiencing the lost of basic human rights


Afghanistan - we loose in our awareness

women taking away voice, sound, speaking

taken away

the right to be 

the right to learn


a call for photographers & artists:






Life Lines

the different stories about life around the world

so different our experiences

in one we meet


the longing for a life



International Woman's Day

documenting the International Woman's Day in Berlin

meeting all the different groups, NGOs fighting for human rights

a day for woman - as we are all so different but joining 


My journeys take me to different places around the world, documenting life, emotions.

My reportages are communication with people, silent and loud - filled with the wide range of emotions we are going through.

Me, myself listening.


Reportages: NGOs, newspaper


Documentation of Events

Documentation of events and festivals

Documentation of Encounters in dialogue 

political debates


Documentation: film festivals, debates, demonstrations


Street Photography

The camera as my translator for the unspoken, the many encounters I meet along my walks along the streets.

Berlin, Europa, Worldwide

street photography Europa, Asia, Marokko







Über mich

Fotografie: Erzählungen über Menschen in ihrem Alltag, Begegnungen mit Kultur und Geschichte, festgehalten im Moment im Dialog mit der Gegenwart