Willkommen - Welcome
the human stories - finding language in meeting you, translating the unspoken - entering the dialog of understanding and respect - creating bridges in between diversity
Photography & Reportage

Berlin ist Kultur
Documentation about the protest against the massive cuts in Berlin.
Berlin is culture
without art and culture
Berlin is loosing life, diversity and education

Life Lines
the different stories about life around the world
so different our experiences
in one we meet
the longing for a life

International Woman's Day
documenting the International Woman's Day in Berlin
meeting all the different groups, NGOs fighting for human rights
a day for woman - as we are all so different but joining

My journeys take me to different places around the world, documenting life, emotions.
My reportages are communication with people, silent and loud - filled with the wide range of emotions we are going through.
Me, myself listening.
Reportages: NGOs, newspaper

Documentation of Events
Documentation of events and festivals
Documentation of Encounters in dialogue
political debates
Documentation: film festivals, debates, demonstrations

Street Photography
The camera as my translator for the unspoken, the many encounters I meet along my walks along the streets.
Berlin, Europa, Worldwide
street photography Europa, Asia, Marokko
Über mich
Fotografie: Erzählungen über Menschen in ihrem Alltag, Begegnungen mit Kultur und Geschichte, festgehalten im Moment im Dialog mit der Gegenwart